Notary Stamp Requirements
The below list of U.S. states indicates the statutory notary stamp seal requirements in order to perform valid notarial acts by affixing the official seal. The list also includes the state resource where we obtained the notary seal requirements for each state or territory.
Alabama Notary Stamp Requirements
For the authentication of his or her official acts, each notary shall provide a seal of office, which shall present, by its impression or stamp:
- the notary’s name
- office (notary public)
- and the state (Alabama) for which he or she was appointed.
§36-20-72, Code of Ala. 1975

Alaska Notary Stamp Requirements
A notary public shall keep an official seal, which is the exclusive property of the notary public, and shall ensure that another person does not possess or use the official seal.
A notary public’s official seal must contain:
- The notary public’s name exactly as indicated on the notary public’s commission certificate;
- The words “Notary Public” and “State of Alaska”; and
- May be a circular form not over two inches in diameter, may be a rectangular form not more than one inch in width by two and one-half inches in length, or may be an electronic form as authorized by regulations adopted by the lieutenant governor.
- An embossed seal impression that is not photographically reproducible may be used in addition to, but not in place of, the seal impression or depiction required by (a) of this section.

Arizona Notary Stamp Requirements
A valid Arizona notary seal must:
- Be a rubber stamp
- Have dark ink. These colors include black, dark blue, dark purple, dark green or dark brown. Red ink or ink not viewable on all copy or fax machines is unacceptable.
- Not be larger than 1 1/2 inches high and 2 1/2 inches wide or 1 1/2 inches round.
- Contain the words “Notary Public.”
- Contain the notary public’s name as listed on his or her commission certificate.
- Contain the Arizona county in which the notary public was commissioned, listed on the commission certificate.
- Contain notary public’s current commission expiration date.
- Contain the Great Seal of Arizona [A.R.S. § 41-266(B)].
- Contain the notary public’s commission number.
A notary public may use an embosser, sometimes referred to as a crimper, but may only do so in conjunction with the use of a rubber stamp notary seal.

Arkansas Notary Stamp Requirements
Each notary public must have a seal of office, which can be either a rubber stamp or a metal embosser.
The seal MUST be in blue or black ink and include the following information:
- The notary public’s official name as written in his/her official signature
- The notary’s county of commission – the county where his/her bond is filed
- The words “Notary Public” and “Arkansas”
- Notary public’s commission expiration date
- Notary public’s commission number
- The notary seal must be clear, legible, and capable of photographic reproduction. When using an embosser, you must use blue or black ink with the embosser to ensure it can be photocopied.
The seal of office may NOT include the Great Seal of the State of Arkansas or the Outline of the State of Arkansas.

California Notary Stamp Requirements
The California notary public seal must include all of the following required elements:
- The name of the notary public;
- The State Seal;
- The words “Notary Public”;
- The filing county shown on the certificate of authorization;
- The notary public commission expiration date;
- The notary public commission number;
- The manufacturer identification number.
- The seal may be circular not over two inches in diameter, or may be rectangular not more than one inch in width by two and one-half inches in length, with a serrated or milled edged border.

Colorado Notary Stamp Requirements
Your notary stamp must be a rectangular ink stamp with a rectangular outline or border. The border may be plain or decorative. Embossers cannot be used. State law does not specify a particular size or ink color.
Inside the stamp border, you must have:
- Your name as it appears exactly on your certificate,
- The words “NOTARY PUBLIC”,
- The words “STATE OF COLORADO”,
- Your notary ID number, and
- Your commission expiration date.
No other information can be placed within the border or outline.

Connecticut Notary Stamp Requirements
Even though the use of a Connecticut notary seal is optional, state law regulates the format of the notary seal. The notary seal must include the notary’s name as it appears on the certificate of appointment, and the words “Notary Public” and “Connecticut.” Connecticut state law gives the notary the option of having the words “My Commission Expires (commission expiration date)” appear on the seal.

Delaware Notary Stamp Requirements
It must be either a metal embossing seal or a black-inked rubber stamp, must contain the notary’s name exactly as it appears on the commission, and must contain the words “My Commission expires on” and the commission expiration date, and the words “Notary Public” and “State of Delaware”. For Limited Governmental Notaries, the expiration date statement is replaced with “My Commission expires upon office.”

Florida Notary Stamp Requirements
The Florida notary seal must be a rubber stamp with the words “Notary Public-State of Florida.”
The stamp should also include the name of the notary public, the notary public’s commission expiration date, and their commission number.
A notary public seal must be affixed to all notarized paper documents in photographically reproducible black ink.
Every notary public shall print, type, or stamp below his or her signature on a paper document his or her name exactly as commissioned.
An embosser seal may be used in addition to the rubber stamp, but the rubber stamp is the official seal for use on a notarized document, and the embosser seal cannot serve as a substitute for the rubber stamp.
Source: Florida Statutes 117.05

Georgia Notary Stamp Requirements
Each notary public must provide a notary seal of office for the authentication of notarial acts. A notary’s seal shall have the notary’s name, the words “Notary Public”, the county of appointment, and the name of the state. Using an embosser seal on a notarial certificate is authorized but not necessary. The use of a rubber type stamp is sufficient for imprinting the notary’s seal.

Hawaii Notary Seal Requirements
Each notary is required to obtain, at the expense of the notary or the notary’s company, and shall constantly keep a rubber stamp seal which shall be circular, not over two inches in diameter, with a serrated or milled edge border and clearly show, -2- stamped, upon a document, the notary’s name and commission number, and the words “notary public” and “State of Hawaii”. The notary public shall authenticate all the notary’s official acts, attestations, certificates, and instruments therewith, and shall always add to an official signature the typed or printed name of the notary and a statement showing the date that the notary’s commission expires.

Idaho Notary Stamp Requirements
Your notary certificate, as provided by the Idaho Secretary of State, grants you the authority to purchase a notary stamp. All notary stamps USED on or after October 1, 2018, must conform to the following standard (as per I.C. 51-117, 118):
- The stamp must be an inked stamp.
- The stamp must have a serrated or milled-edge border.
- The stamp must be in a rectangular or circular form.
- The stamp shall not exceed two and one-fourth (2.25) inches by one (1) inch if rectangular, or one and three-fourths (1.75) inches in diameter if circular.
- The stamp must include the following: the words “Notary Public” and “State of Idaho,” the notary’s name, and the notary’s state-issued commission number.
- The stamp may include the following: “My commission expires:” followed by your current commission expiration date.
- Nothing more is permitted on a notary stamping device.

Illinois Notary Stamp Requirements
An Illinois notary stamp must contain:
1. A serrated or milled edge border in a rectangular form not more than 1 inch in height by 2 1/2 inches in length
2. The words “Official Seal”
3. The notary’s printed name
4. The words “Notary Public, State of Illinois”
5. The words “Commission No.” followed by the notary’s commission number
6. The words “My Commission Expires” followed by the notary’s commission expiration date.
Source: Illinois Administrative Code
Indiana Notary Stamp Requirements
All Indiana notaries must use a seal that includes the following requirements:
- The words “notary public”
- The words “State of Indiana”
- The word “seal”
- The name of the notary public exactly as it appears on the individual’s commission certificate
- The words “commission number” followed by the commission number of the notary public
- The words “My commission expires” followed by the expiration date of the notary public’s commission

Iowa Notary Stamp Requirements
Iowa law requires notaries public to use a notary stamp.
For a notary commissioned by the Secretary of State, the stamp MUST include:
- the notary’s name
- the words “Notarial Seal” and “Iowa”
- the words “Commission Number” followed by your commission number, and
- the words “My Commission Expires” followed by the expiration date or a blank line to write in the date.
For a public official, the stamp MUST include:
- name
- the words “Notarial Seal” and “Iowa”
- the title under which the person may perform notarial acts.

Kansas Notary Stamp Requirements
A Kansas notary public’s official stamp for use when notarizing (paper) documents shall include:
- The notary public’s name exactly as it appears on the application for commission as a notary public.
- The words “notary public”.
- The words “State of Kansas”.
- The stamp may contain the notary’s commission expiration date or a space for the notary to write in this date.

Kentucky Notary Stamp Requirements
If a notary public chooses to use a stamp, the notary public shall have an official stamp which shall:
- Include the notary public’s name, title, jurisdiction, commission number, and expiration date; and
- Be capable of being copied together with the record to which it is affixed or attached or with which it is logically associated.

Louisiana Notary Stamp Requirements
A Louisiana notary’s signature is his seal. Louisiana does not require notaries to own and use a notary stamp, but most notaries public find that using a stamp is more convenient.

Maine Notary Stamp Requirements
A notary public’s embossing or inked seal must have the Notary Public’s name exactly as it appears on the Certificate of Office which is the way the Notary Public must always sign documents. The seal must also have the words “Notary Public” and contain either the words “Maine” or “ME” or the Great Seal of the State of Maine.

Maryland Notary Stamp Requirements
A Maryland notary public’s official stamp can be an ink stamp or an embosser. The stamp must include:
- The name of the notary public as it appears on the notary’s commission;
- The words “Notary Public”; and
- The county in which the notary public was commissioned; and
- The notary public’s commission expiration date or a blank line for them to write in their expiration date.

Massachusetts Notary Stamp Requirements
The notary seal or stamp should include: the notary public’s name; the words “notary public,” “Commonwealth of Massachusetts” or “Massachusetts,” and “(my) commission expires on [commission expiration date];” and a facsimile of the great seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Each new notarial seal that uses ink shall use black ink.
Source: Massachusetts Executive Order No. 455: (Revised) Standards of conduct for notaries public

Michigan Notary Stamp Requirements
A Michigan notary public shall print, type, stamp, or otherwise imprint mechanically or electronically sufficiently clear and legible to be read by the secretary and in a manner capable of photographic reproduction all of the following in this format or in a similar format that conveys all of the same information:
- The name of the notary public exactly as it appears on his or her application for commission as a notary public.
- The statement: “Notary public, State of Michigan, County of __________.”
- The statement: “My commission expires __________.”
- If performing a notarial act in a county other than the county of commission, the statement: “Acting in the County of __________.”
- The date the notarial act was performed.

Minnesota Notary Stamp Requirements
The official notarial stamp consists of the seal of the state of Minnesota, the name of the notary as it appears on the commission or the name of the ex officio notary, the words “Notary Public,” or “Notarial Officer” in the case of an ex officio notary, and the words “My commission expires …………… (or where applicable) My term is indeterminate,” with the expiration date shown on it and must be able to be reproduced in any legibly reproducible manner. The official notarial stamp shall be a rectangular form of not more than three-fourths of an inch vertically by 2-1/2 inches horizontally, with a serrated or milled edge border.
Source: 2021 Minnesota Statutes 359.03

Mississippi Notary Stamp Requirements
The official stamp of a notary public must show all the following clearly in the following order:
1. The words “State of Mississippi”;
2. The notary public’s name as it appears on the commission;
3. The words “Notary Public”;
4. The name of the county in which the notary public maintains an office;
5. The notary public’s current commission expiration date;
6. The notary public’s commission identification number assigned by the Secretary of State.

Missouri Notary Stamp Requirements
To be legally recognized, the engraved embosser seal or the black inked rubber stamp seal must contain:
- The notary’s exact name as it appears on their commission certificate;
- The assigned commission number; and
- Three phrases: “Notary Seal,” “Notary Public,” “State of Missouri.”
The notary must also type, print, or have a rubber stamp with certain information on every completed notary certificate: their exact name as it appears on their commission, “Notary Public,” “State of Missouri,” their expiration date and the county for which they are commissioned. The notary may use a black inked rubber stamp ONLY if the seal contains the information in #1, #2 and #3 above, as well as the county for which they are commissioned and the expiration date of that commission.

Montana Notary Stamp Requirements
All Montana notariesare required to have an ink stamp that creates a rectangular impression approximately 1″ by 2 ½” in size, and that contains, within a plain, narrow border, a seal and the additional statutorily mandated information: the notary’s printed name; the title, “Notary Public for the State of Montana”; the words, “Residing at” with the name of the city or town and state where the notary lives; and the notary’s commission expiration date, shown as Month/Day/Four Digit Year. The stamp may be either blue or black ink only.
Source: Montana Notary Public Handbook

Nebraska Notary Stamp Requirements
All Nebraska notaries must include their commission expiration date on their notary seal. They must use an ink stamp seal engraved with the following:
- State of Nebraska.
- General Notary or General Notarial.
- Your commissioned name.
- The expiration date of the commission.

Nevada Notary Stamp Requirements
A Nevada notary stamp must be rectangular, and contain:
- The notary’s name as it appears on their commission
- The words “Notary Public, State of Nevada”
- The notary’s commission number and commission expiration date
- The Great Seal of the State of Nevada (optional)
- The word “non-resident,” if the notary is a resident of an adjoining state

New Hampshire Notary Stamp Requirements
The official seal or legible imprint of an official rubber stamp are prima facie evidence that the person holds the title of Notary Public. If the notary uses an official rubber stamp rather than an official seal, the legible imprint of the stamp must contain the name of the notary, the words “Notary Public” and “New Hampshire” and the expiration date of the Notary Public’s commission.
Source: New Hampshire Notary Public and Justice of the Peace manual

New Jersey Notary Stamp Requirements
The official stamp of a notary public shall:
1. Include the name of the notary public, the title “Notary Public, State of New Jersey,” and the notary public’s commission expiration date; and
2. Be capable of being copied together with the record to which it is affixed or attached or with which it is logically associated.

New Mexico Notary Stamp Requirements
Official Stamp requirements for a Notary Public:
- Shall be in 10 point font
- Shall contain the words “State of New Mexico” and “Notary Public”
- Shall list the notary’s legal name identically as listed on the issued Certificate of Commission
- Shall list the issued commission number and expiration date as listed on the issued Certificate of Commission
- The official stamp shall contain the Great Seal of the state of New Mexico

New York Notary Stamp Requirements
The laws of the State of New York do not require the use of seals by notaries public. If a seal is used, it should sufficiently identify the notary public, his authority and jurisdiction. It is the opinion of the Department of State that the only inscription required is the name of the notary and the words “Notary Public for the State of New York.”

North Carolina Notary Stamp Requirements
A North Carolina notary seal may be an embosser seal or a rubber inked stamp that is either circular or rectangular. The notary stamp must contain the following:
- The notary public’s name as it appears on their commission
- The words “Notary Public”
- The name of the county in which the notary was commissioned in, using the word “County” or “Co.”
- The words “North Carolina” or “NC”
- The notary public’s commission expiration date (optional)
Source: North Carolina Notary Handbook (available for purchase here)

North Dakota Notary Stamp Requirements
Prior to purchasing a notary stamp, a notary must receive a certificate of authorization from the Secretary of State. This certificate must be presented to a notary stamp vendor. Under state law, a vendor is not authorized to manufacture the notary stamp unless presented with the authorization. The notary stamp must:
- Be designed to leave a clear impression;
- Be photographically reproducible;
- Include the words “Notary Public” and “State of North Dakota;”
- Contain the name of the notary public exactly as it appears on the authorization and the commission expiration date;
- Be either up to or equal to 1 5/8 inch (41.28 millimeters) in diameter if a circular design stamp or if a rectangular design stamp, be up to or equal to 7/8 inch (22.23 millimeters) in height and 2 5/8 inches (66.68 millimeters) in length; and
- Be surrounded by a border.

Ohio Notary Stamp Requirements
The Ohio notarial seal must include the coat of arms of Ohio, which is ¾ inch up to 1 inch in diameter, the words “Notary Public” and “State of Ohio” or similar words.

Oklahoma Notary Stamp Requirements
Every notary shall obtain a notarial seal containing the words “State of Oklahoma” and “Notary Public” and the notary’s name. The seal may be either a metal seal which leaves an embossed impression or a rubber stamp used in conjunction with a stamp pad and ink. The date of expiration and commission number may be part of the stamp or seal.

Oregon Notary Stamp Requirements
The official stamp must be reasonably legible and must contain the Oregon state seal and the following words, in descending order, centered in the official stamp to the right of the state seal and in uppercase:
- The printed name of the notary public
- The words “COMMISSION NO.” immediately followed by the notary public’s commission number
- The words “MY COMMISSION EXPIRES” immediately followed by the notary public’s commission expiration date, expressed in terms of the month (spelled out), two digit day, and four digit year

Pennsylvania Notary Stamp Requirements
The notary seal stamp must be a rubber stamp and must clearly show the following:
- The words “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” and “Notary Seal,”
- The notary’s name as it appears on their commission,
- The words “Notary Public,”
- The name of the county in which the notary maintains an office, and
- The notary public’s commission expiration date.
The seal must have a maximum height of one inch and width of three and one-half inches, with a plain border. Using an embosser is optional, and does not replace the rubber stamp.

Rhode Island Notary Stamp Requirements
It is required that all notaries public in Rhode Island have a notary stamp. The stamp shall be in round (circular) or rectangular form with an edge border surrounding the required elements of the stamp.
The stamp must include the notary’s name exactly as it appears on their commission, the words “NOTARY PUBLIC” and “RHODE ISLAND.” The stamp should produce a sharp, legible printed image that reproduces under photographic methods.

South Carolina Notary Stamp Requirements
A South Carolina seal or stamp must include the notary’s name, the words “notary public” and the words “State of South Carolina.” The expiration date may also be included in the seal, but that is optional. A notary public’s official title is not defined in statute, but it would likely need to include the words “notary public” and “South Carolina.” For example, your official title could be stated as “South Carolina Notary Public.”

South Dakota Notary Stamp Requirements
A South Dakota notary’s official seal must contain:
- The notary public’s name EXACTLY as it is listed on the notary’s application, oath, bond and signature.
- The words “Notary Public” and “South Dakota”.
- A border fully surrounding the imprint.
- If a rubber stamp is used, the word “Seal” must be included on the stamp.
- The words “My Commission Expires” and/or the commission expiration date are NOT to be inside the border of the seal. However, they may be placed outside the border.

Tennessee Notary Seal Requirements
The current design prescribed by the Secretary of State is a circular seal with the notary’s name (as it appears on the commission) printed at the top, the county of election printed at the bottom, and the words “State of Tennessee Notary Public” or “Tennessee Notary Public” printed in the center.
The seal may be imprinted by a rubber or other type stamp (not an impression seal), and the stamp must be imprinted in some color, not black or yellow, that is clearly legible and appears black when copied on a non-color copier. Notaries may continue to use their impression seals until the expiration of their term. The use of an embossed seal after May 12, 2003, does not render an acknowledgment defective. T.C.A. § 8-16-114.

Texas Notary Stamp Requirements
A notary public shall provide a seal of office that clearly shows, when embossed, stamped, or printed on a document, the words “Notary Public, State of Texas” around a star of five points, the notary public’s name, and the date the notary public’s commission expires.
Notaries public commissioned for the first time on or after January 1, 2016, and notaries public renewing their commissions on or after that date must have their notary ID number on their seal of office. The notary public shall authenticate all official acts with the seal of office.
The seal may be a circular form not more than two inches in diameter or a rectangular form not more than one inch in width and 2-1/2 inches in length. The seal must have a serrated or milled edge border.
The seal must be affixed by a seal press or stamp that embosses or prints a seal that legibly reproduces the required elements of the seal under photographic methods. An indelible ink pad must be used for affixing by a stamp the impression of a seal on an instrument to authenticate the notary public’s official act.

Utah Notary Stamp Requirements
A Utah notary public shall affix the official seal near the notary’s official signature on a notarial certificate and shall include a sharp, legible, and photographically reproducible rendering of the official seal that consists of:
- the notary public’s name exactly as indicated on the notary’s commission;
- the words “notary public,” “state of Utah,” and “my commission expires on (commission expiration date)”;
- the notary’s commission number, exactly as indicated on the notary’s commission;
- a facsimile of the great seal of the State of Utah; and
- a rectangular border no larger than one inch by two and one-half inches surrounding the required words and official seal.
Utah notary stamps must use purple ink.

Vermont Notary Stamp Requirements
The official stamp of a Vermont notary public must include the notary public’s legal name, jurisdiction, and commission number issued by the Office of Professional Regulation.

Virginia Notary Stamp Requirements
Virginia state law specifies that the notary seal/stamp be sharp, legible, permanent and photographically reproducible. Care should be taken not to obscure the signatures or other parts of the document when applying the seal/stamp to the document. A Virginia notary’s seal/stamp must contain the name of the notary exactly as it appears on the notary’s commission, the words “Notary Public” and “Commonwealth of Virginia.” The notary cannot strikethrough or white-out an area to make a change.

Washington Notary Stamp Requirements
A Washington notary stamp or seal must contain the following information:
- The words “notary public”
- The words “state of Washington”
- The notary public’s name as commissioned
- The notary public’s commission expiration date
- The notary public’s commission number
- The text on a stamp or seal must be at least 8 point font
- The stamp or seal must be affixed in permanent ink and be capable of being photocopied
- The stamp or seal must be either circular or rectangular.
- If circular, the stamp must be a minimum of 1″ and 5/8″ in diameter.
- If rectangular, the stamp must be a minimum of 1″ and 5/8″.

Washington DC Notary Stamp Requirements
There are five critical thresholds that the Washington DC notary seal must meet:
1. The notary public’s name, exactly stated on the commission;
2. The words “District of Columbia”;
3. The commission expiration date; and
4. Other information required by the Mayor.
5. No other language or description is allowed.

West Virginia Notary Stamp Requirements
Your rubber stamp seal must include the following:
- The words Official Seal, Notary Public and State of West Virginia
- Your name
- Your address or the address of your business or affiliation
- Your commission expiration date
- The seal must have a border, and be no larger than 1 x 2 ½ inches.

Wisconsin Notary Stamp Requirements
The Wisconsin notary public seal or stamp may be of any size or shape, but must contain the words “Notary Public,” “State of Wisconsin,” and the notary’s name which must include the notary’s legal last name. You may use initials, or a shortened first name if you wish, but you must use your current legal last name in full.

Wyoming Notary Stamp Requirements
The Wyoming notary stamp/seal shall:
- Be rectangular in shape and approximately 1 inch wide by 2 ½ inches long;
- Be in blue or black ink;
- Have a border outline in which the text contained within the border includes:
- Your notary public commission name;
- The words “Notary Public”;
- The words “State of Wyoming”;
- Your commission ID number;
- The words “My commission expires” followed by the expiration date of your notary public commission; and
- NOT include images of the Great Seal of the State of Wyoming or any other image or content other than as prescribed in this statute.
Your county of residence CANNOT be included on the stamp/seal.