Become an Iowa Notary Public

Iowa Notary Commission Overview
The step-by-step process for becoming a notary public in the state of Iowa is detailed below. Once you are ready to shop for supplies, simply visit our store. As a national provider of notary supplies, notary bonds, insurance, and training, has pretty much everything you need to become an Iowa notary public.
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How to Become a Notary Public in Iowa
Step-by-Step InstructionsHow to Become an Iowa Notary Public
1. Complete the Online Iowa Notary Training Course
2. Complete an application for appointment as a notary public on a form prescribed by the secretary of state.
3. Remit the sum of thirty dollars to the secretary of state. Government employee notaries are not subject to the fee imposed by this subsection. (Government employee notaries)
4. When the secretary of state determines that the requirements of this section are satisfied, the secretary shall execute and deliver a certificate of commission to the person appointed.