Texas Notary Bond

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Texas Notary Bond

Texas notaries are required by state law to have a 4 year, $10,000 Texas notary bond. The Texas notary surety bond & notary application is required to become a Texas notary public. The Texas notary surety bond protects the people of Texas from any mistakes you might make while performing your notarial duties. In order to protect your personal financial assets, we highly recommend you also purchase E&O Insurance. 

Texas bonds and E&O will be emailed within 12-24 hours after placing an order.

Notary E&O Insurance helps protect you from lawsuits arising from the performance of your notarial duties. If you make a mistake, a claim may be made on your bond and you may be sued. Without an E&O policy, you will be fully responsible for reimbursing the bond claim and for the cost of your legal defense.


Texas Notary Surety Bond

Texas notaries are required by state law to have a $10,000 notary surety bond during their 4-year commission term. Add Notary E&O Insurance covering the term of your commission. The Travelers bond and insurance combo may only be purchased at the beginning of a commission term. In order to qualify for this product combination, you must meet our underwriting guidelines and purchase within six months of the start of the commission. If you fail to meet the underwriting guidelines, your payment will be refunded.

How to file your Texas Notary Bond

Filing your notary bond & application form is the last step to becoming a Texas notary. 

We will send your notary bond & application to you within 24 hours of receiving your order. Once you receive your bond, you must submit your completed bond & application form to the state, along with the $21 filing fee.

We do not submit your bond form to the state for you. 

What else do I need to become a Texas notary?

The essential supplies that a Texas notary requires are:

  • 4 year, $10K Texas notary bond form
  • notary stamp
  • notary journal

You can purchase your notary supplies together in our Texas Notary Supplies Package. We will ship your supplies within 24 hours of receiving your order.

Text within the bond:

Form #2301-B Rev. 10/2024

Submit To: The SOS Portal Notary System


Surety Bond Requirement

A notary public must secure a $10,000 bond with a solvent surety company authorized to do business in Texas as a surety.

The bond must be approved by the Office of the Secretary of State (Office), payable to the governor, and conditioned on the faithful performance of office duties. The Office does not provide recommendations, pricing, or rates for surety bond companies or agencies.

Surety Bond Instructions

All fields in the box below must be completed by a company licensed in Texas to issue fidelity and surety bonds. The applicant’s name below must be an exact match to the name submitted on the online application submitted through the SOS Portal Notary System.

1. Applicant must provide this form to an insurance agency or surety bond company to complete all fields.

2. An authorized individual from the agency/company must sign the surety bond.

3. Applicant must upload this completed form as prompted at the “Bond” step when submitting a notary application online through the SOS Portal Notary System.

Applicant Name: ____________________________________________________ Notary ID: ____________________ Last First Middle (If known by applicant)

Applicant’s Address: ______________________________________________________________TX_______________ Street Address Ste /Apt No. City State Zip Code

Notary Public Surety Bond (This space is reserved for agency/bonding companies) KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS:

BOND NUMBER: ___________________________

That we, the above-named applicant, as principal, and __________________________________________, as surety, a corporation duly licensed to do business in the state of Texas, are held and firmly bound unto the governor of the state of Texas and to his/her successors in office, in the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for the payment of which, well and truly be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally. As a condition of this bond, the above-named principal shall faithfully perform all duties of the office of a notary public.

Agency Name: _____________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

Date: ____ / ____ / ______

___________________________________________________________ Signature of Authorized person for Surety Form 2301-B

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × .01 in
Delivery Method

Email, Mail

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