Safeguarding Your Notary Gear (and More!)

Notaries are public servants.  One of our primary responsibilities is to safeguard tools and records that can be used to harm others.  That's why the message for today is “Double-down on safeguarding notary gear!”   Read on for  -- Tactics to safeguard your seals, notarial acts, and record book What to do with retired notary seals and record books List of steps to take for lost or stolen notary gear


Take a page from nursery school rules--put your name on everything!  As soon as you receive your seals and record books, label them.  Make it easy for finders of lost notary seals, stamps, or record books to connect with you. When you add your contact information on...

Handling Commercial Loan Documents as a Notary Signing Agent

Are you ready to handle commercial loans as a notary signing agent?  There are four standards to meet before you do so.

Preparing to Handle Commercial Loans

Know how to be a great notary. You must be extremely confident of how to handle any document that requires notarization.  It should go without saying that you need to know every element of a notarial certificate and be able to recite and write out the language that goes in your state’s certificates of acknowledgment and jurats (for individuals)  from memory.  You should have at least $100,000 in errors and omissions insurance (in my opinion) and should be familiar with how to handle complex entity notarial certificates. ...

Moonlighting with a Notary Business

“Is being a notary worth it if I have a full-time job?" This is a question that has surfaced several times this summer on social media.  In a nutshell, heck yeah!  Having a side gig or "moonlighting" as a mobile notary at the end of your work day can be rewarding! The final answer, however, lies in one's personal goals and how well that person can penetrate various segments of the local population to be the first notary contacted for service.  Today, I will share typical general notary work assignments that I pick up after work. 

Non-loan notary work works great for "moonlighting."

Notaries who are new to the business of being a mobile notary often know about loan signing opportunities, but don’t really...

Why EVERY Notary Needs Training

This week’s tips are for notaries who may be at risk of  losing relationships with hiring parties because of errors in their notarial acts, losing their commissions--or worse--may inadvertently perform a criminal act. Because life gets busy and is full of more pressing and interesting matters, notary laws are not top priority to many notaries--I understand that!  Unfortunately, the result is that too many notaries haven't developed proper skills.  They don't know what they can do and what they can't.There are pitfalls to avoid, but untrained notaries don't see them.  They are  performing notarial acts as if blindfolded, unaware of the risks and pitfalls that await them and the public for whom they notarize. 

Pressures to Perform Unlawful Acts

Just this week, I...

Top 10 Things that a New Notary Must Know

Are you a new notary public?  Do you feel as if you are -- Swimming around in murky notary laws that are too complicated? Trying to learn rules stuffed with terms that you do not understand? Attempting to make sense of confusing notary group discussions?  Unable to get a straight answer on anything? Drowning from information overload? If so, take this to heart:  You can't learn it all at once.  You really can't!  Don't make yourself feel bad because you don't know it all. Let's slow down and take your move into the notary world one small step at a time.  Today, I want to go over the barest requirements and most basic skills you need to learn before you slap the Mobile Notary sign on your car and drive off...

Rainbow of Colorful Notary Stamps and Ink

There's a notary myth that rolls around in forums and on social media from time to time about notary stamp ink color.   It goes something like this: the majority of notaries believe that seal ink must be black.   Many believe colors may be blue or black.  The truth is that only one-fourth of the 50 states have laws that require notaries to select a certain color.  All of the other states can choose from any color of ink that can be reproduced darkly on a copier or when scanned.   Notaries who are not restricted to a certain color may select from blue, purple, red, blue, or green in addition to black or blue.  If you are not sure what color you...

How to “Notarize” Copies – The Certified Copy Dilemma

Many new notaries have contacted me over the years to ask how to produce correctly "notarized copies" of important identification documents such as driver licenses, government-issued identification cards, foreign or U.S. passports.  Let's first discuss what the term "notarized copy” actually means.  The citizen is referring to the act of certifying a copy of an original document as being an exact copy of the original. Suppose a fictional notary named Tom Teller has been approached by a citizen requesting a notarized copy of a U.S. Passport.  The citizen, another fictional character named Mrs. Lola Longmire, knows what she wants and she intends to have it her way:  Lola Longmire expects Tom to make a copy of her ID and stamp the copy with...

What does it mean to be a Notary?

A Notary Public is an important public official who helps with the authentication of documents.

It’s likely you’ve had an opportunity or situation that requires the services of a Notary Public. But, what if you want to become a Notary yourself? Here are a few advantages to becoming a Notary Public. If you would like more information on becoming a notary, please find your state here.  We currently offer state-specific online notary training throughout most of the country. We have notary training available in 46 states and Washington D.C., including mandatory education states of California, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, MissouriPennsylvania and Colorado.  

A Source of Income

While Notaries are appointed by their states and serve as public officials, they charge their clients directly...

How To Become A Loan Signing Agent

How To Become A Loan Signing Agent

What is a Loan Signing Agent?

Signing agents are notaries public, who usually have experience and/or training concerning the proper execution of loan documents and are hired as independent contractor by mortgage companies, escrow companies, title companies, and signing services to identify loan documents, obtain the necessary signatures, and in some cases deliver the documents to the borrower.

What Kind of Training Does a Loan Signing Agent Require?

  Loan Signing Agent course   

What Are the Benefits of Becoming A Loan Signing Agent?

Signing agents are notaries public, who usually have experience and/or training concerning the proper execution of loan documents and are hired by mortgage companies, escrow companies, title companies, and signing services to identify loan documents,...

Notary Bond vs Notary E&O Insurance

Notary Bonds and Errors and Omissions Insurance

What is the difference between a notary bond and errors and omissions (E&O) insurance?

A notary bond is a financial security document underwritten by a surety licensed in the state that requires it. Translated, the bond is there to protect the public in the event of financial damages caused due to improper notarization. A notary bond is not insurance for the notary. If you are forced to pay damages due to a notarization that you performed, the bonding company will pay up to the bond value amount, but the next thing the bonding company will do is come after you for the money. They are very efficient at collecting, which is why the...

How To Start A Notary Business

5 Easy Steps To Starting A Notary Business

Are you ready to start earning real money as a notary? It is possible!  Many people have found freedom in being able to work for themselves as a mobile notary public.  There are certain steps you do need to take  so that you will have a successful notary business.

1. Become A Notary

Each state has its own requirements to become a notary. You can select your state on this page to discover yours. However, there are several steps that remain universal: Receive proper training:  It is so very important to educate yourself on how to execute the role of notary public properly. Training will allow you to excel in your role and...

Can I Notarize A Document For My Family

Can I Notarize A Document For My...


Who can I notarize a document for? My Spouse? My Child? My Great Aunt's 2nd Cousin Twice Removed?

  As a notary you will find yourself being asked to help friends and family with their notarial needs. But how do you know who you can notarize a document for and who you cannot?   The question to be asking is not "Can I notarize a document for my family members?" but instead "In what circumstances should I NOT notarize a document?" In general, it is not illegal to notarize something for a family member, including your spouse or children. However, many states have statutes that make it illegal to notarize documents in which you will benefit.   More...