Every current Idaho Notary Public must use the new stamp format starting October 1, 2018. All existing stamps must be destroyed or disabled after September 30, 2018.
Your notary certificate, as provided by the Idaho Secretary of State, grants you the authority to purchase a notary stamp. All notary stamps USED on or after October 1, 2018, must conform to the following standard (as per I.C. 51-117, 118):

- The stamp must be an inked stamp.
- The stamp must have a serrated or milled-edge border.
- The stamp must be in a rectangular or circular form.
- The stamp shall not exceed two and one-fourth (2.25) inches by one (1) inch if rectangular, or one and three-fourths (1.75) inches in diameter if circular.
- The stamp must include the following:
- Notary Public
- State of Idaho
- The notary name. (It must be exactly as it appears on your certificate.)
- (NEW) The notary’s state-issued commission number.
- The stamp may include the following:
- “My commission expires:” followed by your current commission expiration date.
- Nothing more is permitted on a notary stamping device. Please refer to the samples below for guidance in purchasing your notary stamp.

Please contact us at info@notary.net should you have any questions.

Three ways to quickly locate your notary commission number:
- You can use the Notary Public Online Search to find your commission number. Simply enter your name as it appears on your notary certificate. This search will also indicate whether your commission is still active and the expiration date of your commission.
- You can find your commission number on your notary certificate. If you were originally commissioned prior to July 2017, your notary certificate will indicate a filing number rather than a commission number. Your filing number is your notary commission number.
- You can contact the state. Please email them at naa@sos.idaho.gov or call (208) 332-2811.
Order your Idaho Notary Stamp now. You must have this new format to be able to perform notary service on or after October 1, 2018.
(1) Each notary public shall provide and keep an official seal, which shall be a rubber stamp with a serrated or milled-edge border in a rectangular or circular form and includes the words “Notary Public,” the notary public’s name, the words “State of Idaho,” and nothing more.
(2) The seal shall be impressed below or near the notary public’s official signature on each notary certificate that the notary administers.
(3) A notary public is responsible for the security of the notary public’s stamping device and may not allow another individual to use the device to perform a notarial act. On resignation from, or the revocation or expiration of, the notary public’s commission, the notary public shall disable the stamping device by destroying, defacing, damaging, erasing or securing it against use in a manner that renders it unusable. On the death or adjudication of incompetency of a notary public, the notary public’s personal representative or guardian or any other person knowingly in possession of the stamping device shall render it unusable by destroying, defacing, damaging, erasing or securing it against use in a manner that renders it unusable. If a notary public’s stamping device is lost or stolen, the notary public or the notary public’s personal representative or guardian shall promptly notify the commissioning officer or agency on discovering that the device is lost or stolen.
51-117. OFFICIAL STAMP. [EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2018] The official stamp of a notary public:
(1) Must include the notary public’s name, the words “Notary Public,” the words “State of Idaho,” and the notary’s state-issued commission number;
(2) Must include a serrated or milled-edge border in a rectangular or circular form;
(3) May include the words “my commission expires:” followed by the notary’s current commission expiration date;
(4) Must be capable of being copied together with the record to which it is affixed or attached or with which it is logically associated; and
(5) May not include anything more than that which is allowed in subsections (1) through (3) of this section.
(1) The stamping device for tangible records must be an inked stamp that provides an image of the notary’s official stamp that meets the requirements of section 51-117, Idaho Code, and that is readily visible upon copying. The stamp shall not exceed two and one-fourth (2.25) inches by one (1) inch if rectangular or one and three-fourths (1.75) inches in diameter if circular. (2) The stamping device for electronic records must be an electronic device or process that provides an image of the notary’s official stamp that meets the requirements of section 51-117, Idaho Code, and that is readily visible upon copying. (3) A notary public is responsible for the security of the notary public’s stamping device and may not allow another individual to use the device to perform a notarial act. On resignation from, or the revocation or expiration of, the notary public’s commission, the notary public shall disable the stamping device by destroying, defacing, damaging, erasing or securing it against use in a manner that renders it unusable. On the death or adjudication of incompetency of a notary public, the notary public’s personal representative or guardian or any other person knowingly in possession of the stamping device shall render it unusable by destroying, defacing, damaging, erasing or securing it against use in a manner that renders it unusable.
(4) If a notary public’s stamping device is lost or stolen, the notary public or the notary public’s personal representative or guardian shall promptly notify the commissioning officer or agency on discovering that the device is lost or stolen.
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