Commercial Mortgage Loans:  Six Differences for Notary Signing Agents 

Last week we reviewed nine typical loan packages and discussed the sizes of each and the estimated number of notarial acts.  There are a few loan types that are significantly different than the others, the commercial mortgage loan being the most different.  The topic of commercial loans is also quite popular with new notaries. With that in mind, this week,…

9 Typical Notary Signing Agent Document Packages

If you are new to the notary business, you may feel like receiving the documents for your assignment is like opening up a box of Cracker Jacks and digging out a prize. Are there 200 pages in that file or 20?  500 or 50? Will I need to notarize something?  How many documents need notarization?   The guessing game can be…

7 Tips for Building a Niche Notary Business

Today’s article is about developing a niche for general notary work and contains  What does “niche business” mean? The word “niche” means a hidden spot, hollow place, or hidey-hole. You already know what the term “business” means.  Niche notary work for most notaries frequently includes several people or businesses who have rare but similar needs. They are often under-served and…

Moonlighting with a Notary Business

“Is being a notary worth it if I have a full-time job?” This is a question that has surfaced several times this summer on social media.  In a nutshell, heck yeah!  Having a side gig or “moonlighting” as a mobile notary at the end of your work day can be rewarding! The final answer, however, lies in one’s personal goals…

Six Steps that Will Improve Your Image

If you are a new notary public or a new notary business owner,  the six steps listed below can help to set up the right public image for your notary career.  These steps aren’t new discoveries , but they can be easily overlooked while you are trying to learn how to handle your new duties as a notary professional.   Step…

Can I notarize this document?

Today, we are focusing on confusing and unfamiliar documents that notaries are requested to notarize.  We are going in this direction today because after polling several new notaries this month, I learned that many would like to know how to handle documents they have never heard of–the crazy ones…the ones that are not in loan document packages.   I ran across…

How to Write Notary Marketing Letters

The biggest notary buzz this week is “Where can I find a form marketing letter to send out for soliciting business from  ______?”  The blank usually contains title companies, doctors, or attorneys most often, but occasionally there are other business professionals mentioned.   Below is a tip sheet I have prepared for you.  But, before we go into tips and techniques,…

3 Steps to Handling “Split Signing” Appointments

A “split signing”  is a type of notary signing appointment.  Being signed are real estate  or loan documents–the reason is it referred to as a split signing is because all of the signers can’t attend at the same time. Therefore, a transaction that would normally require one appointment will require at least two appointments. Today, our example signers will be…

Why EVERY Notary Needs Training

This week’s tips are for notaries who may be at risk of  losing relationships with hiring parties because of errors in their notarial acts, losing their commissions–or worse–may inadvertently perform a criminal act. Because life gets busy and is full of more pressing and interesting matters, notary laws are not top priority to many notaries–I understand that!  Unfortunately, the result…

How to Create a Notary Profile and Marketing Kit

Last week, a new notary asked me how to develop a solid profile for websites like Notary Rotary.  I wasn’t able to answer her personally that day and decided to dedicate this week’s newsletter to two important pieces of a notary’s marketing strategy:  Notary Marketing Kit Professional Notary Profile A marketing kit will streamline your efforts; plus, having a notary…

Top 10 Ways to Win Repeat Notary Business

Today, we are going to discuss ten habits of notaries who perform like experts and gain repeat business.  Notaries at any level of experience can do these things to project professionalism and become more desirable to hiring parties!     1.  The busiest notaries answer all calls (except for known annoyance callers or undesirable hiring parties).  Currently, a huge problem that…

Notary Errors on Documents Destined for Foreign Countries

Last week, our article Use Caution when Notarizing for Elections and Political Candidates described how notarial errors on election and candidate forms can cause a notary to become an ugly headline in the media. There is one more situation that brings notary errors under a microscope.  Today’s topic is about errors that appear on notarized documents that will be used…

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